In winter and early spring, while the trees are dormant, it’s pruning season. Pruning is needed for healthy growth and helps the trees bloom beautifully in spring. PSP board and committee members carry out this work, together with other volunteers, and we humbly request your help on the days scheduled.
Time: 2 pm, for 1 to 2 hours
Dates: six Sundays: Feb. 9, Feb. 16, Feb. 23 (for pruning) Mar. 1, Mar. 8, Mar. 15 (for mulching and other tree care)
Meet at our tool shed, across from the tennis courts on Tennis Court Rd.
Work area: We will drive from the tool shed to the work area in several cars.
Please RSVP by email to sakurapghboard@gmail.com, including your name. We will prepare a volunteer ID for you.
The work session will be canceled in case of weather unfit for pruning work (e.g., extreme cold, rain or snow). If you are unsure, please confirm the work session via phone call or text message to Mr. Yasuzawa (412-600-2181), before leaving home.
Wear: warm work clothes, including gloves
Tools: we provide
Snack: we provide after the work