If you would like to volunteer with the Pittsburgh Sakura Project, please email your name and contact information to sakurapghboard@gmail.com Before you volunteer you must read and agree to comply with the policies in our Volunteer Handbook.
さくらプロジェクトではボランティアを募っております。 興味の有る方はご連絡をお待ちしております。氏名、所属、電子メールアドレスをsakurapghboard@gmail.comにお送り下さい。ボランティア作業を始める前 Volunteer Handbook を読んで規則を厳守することの承認をしてください。
We especially need volunteers to help water and weed, on regularly scheduled maintenance days, which are usually Saturday or Sunday mornings (see calendar temporarily unavailable). We also welcome you to help organize and volunteer at events, such as planting days. People with an established record of successful volunteering are encouraged to serve as board members. If you would like to help with our social media and website, we’d be glad to utilize your talent.
Another way you can help the Pittsburgh Sakura Project is by becoming a Tree Tender. Sign up for this informative course offered by Tree Pittsburgh. Please mention the Pittsburgh Sakura Project when you sign up. And please let us know if you do become a Tree Tender. Click here for more information on becoming a Tree Tender.