We seek donations of money for planting and project management. Your donation of $25, $50, $100, $200, or more is tax-deductible. Please make your check payable to “Pittsburgh Sakura Project” and mail to Pittsburgh Sakura Project, P.O. Box 661, 10675 Perry Highway, Wexford, PA 15090. Also, please let us know if you do not wish to be acknowledged as a donor on our website. Please print out this donation form 2021 and send it with your check.
It is possible to arrange for a tree to be planted in someone’s memory, or in honor of a person or to commemorate an event. Please contact us to discuss.
さくらプロジェクトは非営利団体としてこれから活動をして行きます。 植樹、管理の為の資金を広く皆様から募っております。 桜の種類もソメイヨシノを始め枝垂れ桜、八重桜、等を予定しております。桜の若木植樹の値段は$800程度(業者に依頼の場合)、有志で植える場合には$400程度になります。
小切手の宛先: Pittsburgh Sakura Project
送り先:Pittsburgh Sakura Project, P.O. Box 661, 10675 Perry Highway, Wexford, PA 15090
Please print out this donation form 2021 and send it with your check.